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Lowell Joint School District

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As part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), school districts, County Offices of Education, and charter schools are required to develop, adopt, and annually update a three-year Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). 

The LCAP is required to identify goals and measure progress for student subgroups across eight state priority areas. Districts must include in their LCAP (1) actions, services, and expenditures for all students and subgroups and (2) additional actions and services for “unduplicated pupils,” including low-income students, English learners, foster youth, and redesignated English learners. The superintendent must review the Single Plan for Student Achievement from school sites to ensure the actions in the LCAP are consistent with strategies in school plans submitted pursuant to Education Code Section 64001. 

Education Code Section 52062(b)(1) requires that the Board of Trustees conduct a Public Hearing on the District Local Accountability Plan at the first Board Meeting in June. At the second meeting in June, the Board will vote on adopting the LCAP. 

Current Local Control Accountability Plan Information
Opportunities to share ideas for the district LCAP can be left on the Engaged Partner PADLET (linked here)