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- Board and District Strategic Goals
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Board and District Strategic Goals
On June 29, 2015, the Board of Trustees adopted new Strategic Goals for the district. With students as the center of our focus, the five key areas and form the basis for improvement efforts of the district’s operations. They are as follows:
1.0 Academic Excellence: We expect all students to demonstrate continued and improved academic achievement, through communication, critical thinking, and creativity, to be college and career ready, and to become lifelong learners.
2.0 A Highly Qualified Staff: We attract, train, and retain high performing staff who actively engage, collaborate, and support students in effective instruction and the use of current technologies.
3.0 Safe and Respectful Environment: We foster a culture that promotes the emotional health, safety, well-being and involvement of students, staff, family and community.
4.0 Family and Community Partnerships: We establish a culture which encourages positive relationships among our students, staff, and families as well as educational, business and community partners. We believe these partnerships and communication must be nurtured to optimize opportunities for learning and personal growth for students.
5.0 Fiscal Excellence: We believe that efficiency, transparency, and cost-effective practices must characterize District and school operations to ensure that resources are aligned and applied to achieve established goals. We are committed to remaining fiscally solvent by effectively managing resources and pursuing new revenue sources.
These established goals will serve as a road map for setting annual measurable performance objectives to ensure we are fulfilling our mission of "Providing a strong academic program of 21st Century Skills with a well-rounded program of diverse and innovative subject offerings. At all of the District Schools, we emphasize the importance of education, the family, and traditional values. We stress the value of personal integrity, social responsibility, and a respect for our national heritage."
The Strategic Goals are aligned to the State’s eight priorities that are part of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and will stay in effect until 2020.